Wednesday, 9 December 2020


Today we had to try out summer learning journey. the activity we tride was to figer out the colour and coppy the artis one. here  is one of mine`

Friday, 24 July 2020

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Ten things I would need to survive at home for four weeks

  1. Apples - the reason i think apples would be good is because they keep for a long time in the fridge compared  to other fruits.

  1. Noodles - I would have noodles cause they taste good.

  1. Steak - the reason I would have steak will be because they come in a lot of pieces. 

  1. Macoroni Cheese - I would like to  have macaroni cause they taste good with the flavour sachet on them without mixing it in.

  1. Carrots and Potatoes - These keep you healthy and the carrots give you night vision.

  1. Easter Eggs - They taste yummy and they are made out of chocolate.

  1. Ice cream - I like googy gum drops ice cream and i could eat extra on my birthday in 7 days.

  1. Bread  - Bread would be good if i ran out of other food i could have a sandwich so i would not be hungry.

  1. Honey - For the bread

  1.  Eggs - Eggs are good for you and they are yummy and I could make the bread into toast and eat it with them too.
