Thursday, 2 April 2020

Ten things I would need to survive at home for four weeks

  1. Apples - the reason i think apples would be good is because they keep for a long time in the fridge compared  to other fruits.

  1. Noodles - I would have noodles cause they taste good.

  1. Steak - the reason I would have steak will be because they come in a lot of pieces. 

  1. Macoroni Cheese - I would like to  have macaroni cause they taste good with the flavour sachet on them without mixing it in.

  1. Carrots and Potatoes - These keep you healthy and the carrots give you night vision.

  1. Easter Eggs - They taste yummy and they are made out of chocolate.

  1. Ice cream - I like googy gum drops ice cream and i could eat extra on my birthday in 7 days.

  1. Bread  - Bread would be good if i ran out of other food i could have a sandwich so i would not be hungry.

  1. Honey - For the bread

  1.  Eggs - Eggs are good for you and they are yummy and I could make the bread into toast and eat it with them too.
